Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Heard from the Street - Fiday 3/27/09

Heard from the Street - Pasadena, California - Friday 3/27/09
The "Heard from the Street" report represents a series of short interviews regarding what Main Street in Southern California is thinking regarding, "How are you coping with the changing economy?"

Young Working Class Father: It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and the temperature just right. Carl was in a hurry to return home with some badly needed baby formula but did have time to tell me how he is adjusting to the downturn. "It is Limiting". Everything I do now is less than before. Now I think about where I am driving, gas cost money you know. I am still working but business is way down and so they are cutting back on my hours. I go to the store and buy less and cheaper food. I would love to take my wife to the movies more but that is out of the question for now. Limited is how I describe my life right now and I really am feeling it.

Carl wasn't sure how long this temporary downturn would take before life reverted back to normal. In the mean time, he is adjusting his life style to reflect changes he is experiencing.

James Monachino

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